Vision, Purpose & Goals


Our vision is of a society in which persons with disability live with dignity, and in which their human rights and fundamental freedoms are recognised, respected, protected and fulfilled.


We will work towards the realisation of our vision by providing persons with disability and their associates with specialist legal assistance in our designated practice areas, and by undertaking complementary community legal education, continuing legal education and policy and law reform activities.


Across all aspects of our work our goals are to:

  1. Work with and alongside persons with disability and their representative organisations towards the realisation of the legal and human rights of persons with disability in our designated practice areas;
  2. Ensure that our work is distributed equitably across all disability groups;
  3. Ensure that persons with disability and their associates who are most socially and legally disadvantaged, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, have equitable access to our services;
  4. Understand and interpret disability and disability rights concerns within a social model of disability in which “disability” is not conceptualised as a personal characteristic but the result of the interaction of persons with a social environment prone to barriers that are capable of being overcome;
  5. Identify and pursue opportunities to achieve outcomes in our designated practice areas that will have a broad positive impact on the realisation of the human rights of persons with disability;
  6. Contribute to the positive development of the law as it impacts upon persons with disability and their associates at the State, National and International levels;
  7. Support the work of disabled peoples’ organisations in Australia and internationally by contributing legal knowledge and expertise where this is relevant to their work; and
  8. Build the capacity of disability rights and legal services in Australia.